Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baby Will

Yesterday Will turned 3 weeks old! It is so weird how it feels like he has been with us forever. He is still such a sweet, sweet baby!

I love my little family!

I love these next 2 pictures.....

I think he looks just like Lee in this one:

Don't you just want to kiss those sweet lips....

These next 2 pictures are of Will at 2 weeks and Liza at 2 weeks. I stole the idea from one of my best college buds, Caroline Hogan (who by the way, has 3 precious little girls.....all 3 under 3 years old!....she is a stud and a super-mom!). Anyway, on her blog she put several pictures of her girls as infants....it was so fun to see their similarities and differences....I thought I would do the same! :) Thanks, Sparo, for letting me steal your cute idea! :)



  1. Wow! they look a lot more similar than I thought. I didn't think they favored at all until I saw those pictures. How cute!

  2. Gotta love me some Baby Will! I love my second family! :)
